• You make me feel good.

You make me feel good – Activity – Draw a hug.

Laurence Payot is currently working with Heart of Glass on a new project ‘You make me feel good.‘, commissioned as part of the Creative People and Places and Loneliness Project

You make me feel good.’ is a project aiming to give form to our feelings about human connection, something most of us have missed so much during this pandemic. When something so banal – yet so crucial for our happiness and sense of self- is taken away from us, it makes us re-evaluate what’s important for us as individuals but also as a society. Family, friends, work colleagues, members of a group, acquaintances, neighbours and passers-by are all part of a web that defines who we are, and without it we can feel lost and incomplete. So let’s celebrate those amazing feelings, remembers happy times and look forward to socialising again.

Draw a hug,
a good old hug.
Draw the feeling of it.
Think of the best hug
you ever gave/received.

Scan 39

“It would really make me cry… hugging someone again.
Even the thought of it makes me feel a bit emotional.
I have seen on the news about that grandson that made an outfit out of tent material so that he could hug his nan. I thought that was lovely.”

Scan 4 copy hug

“Hugs are wonderful.”

Scan 1 copy

“Hugs are precious.”

Scan 32 copy

“Hugs are like fireworks.”

Scan 31 copy

“I’d say – come over here! – and give her a big hug!”

Scan 35 copy

“A hug, a good old hug.”

hug small

Scan 38